ERP Advance System solution

Our simplified ERP solutions have industry functionality built in. We make it easier for you to support unique customer needs and grow your business. Simplify complexity and ensure more accurate responses to customers with technology that’s sophisticated and intuitive. Facilitate productivity, planning, and production to improve quality, while reducing costs.


High-tech and emerging industries are driven by intense competition and quickly changing market conditions. Our solutions will help you bring products to market faster through simulation tools and impact analysis when your products change.

Outstaffing Build team that fits to the client

Using our database of qualified specialists, we find the talents suitable for your project. We process hundreds of candidate’s CVs every week to find only 2-5 talents who are able to amplify your on-site team.Thus, you not only get employees needed, but also a dedicated team of experts who will lead the development process to success, and a trustworthy partner who is always there for you.

How does it work?

You tell us what you work with and we find proper specialists for your project at a reasonable price.


Project description: Tell us about your project to determine the specialists needed for its development.


Recruitment: After making the full list of necessary requirements, we select the appropriate candidates.


Further Cooperation: Start project development with your new team and get our further support if needed.

CTO Technical Advisor

XYZ’s CTO Advisory service will help you get every part of your company, whatever the size, running methodically and in a controlled manner. You’ll feel more confident delivering to the needs and requirements of your clients while making more profit.

Game Development

Gaming will remain favorite zone if you delivered interest with quality to browse

We’ll help you develop internal management reporting, budgets and financial plans. We’ll help you chalk out your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) so everyone in your company is working at the top of their game for the purpose of company growth.

CRM Development

Our custom CRM Solutions for businesses streamline sales while improving efficiency, empowering you to close more leads. Our Customer Relationship Management systems act as your highly effective sales team at the fraction of the cost of hiring more staff.


Our CRM solution helps you focus on your organisation’s relationships with individual people — including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers — throughout your life cycle with them, including finding new customers, winning their business, and providing support and additional services throughout the relationship.


Through collaboration, our analysts work with your organisation to get a comprehensive understanding of your sales process, goals, and company structure. This knowledge then informs the creation of a custom CRM system.


As we create your company’s custom CRM, we work closely with you to ensure seamless integration into your workflow. The result is a CRM solution that improves efficiency, increases sales, and becomes a natural part of your sales process. In addition to assisting your organisation with getting the most out of your sales process, our custom CRM solutions reduce the stress associated with managing existing customers’ or clients’ needs.

Web Development

In the expanding electronic age where every small info is readily available on the net, your company web site stands as your digital organization identification. Your site sets your impression and also acts as your promotion tool for individuals trying to know about your organization from across the globe.

Exactly how can we assist?
Building a website isn’t easy. There are numerous web sites with excellent material, however the style is poor. Some sites have an excellent design however lack upkeep. All these elements play a crucial duty in establishing a site that can make sure the very best efficiency.

Being a specialist website layout and also advancement firm, Avenstech has experience in establishing web sites for businesses across all domains and sections. We utilize conventional portal systems to apply customer-centric web advancement for tiny, as well as tool companies to large enterprises. We supply solutions from making use of open-source web content administration systems to customized growth, making sure that our client’s sites are created remembering their usability, ease of access, and also crawlability.

Avenstech is an electronic firm that can help you in establishing, growing, and also keeping your electronic existence in order to attract countless visitors and enhance your online exposure. We collaborate with international Enterprises, SME’s, as well as future Startups in order to offer electronic options to meet organization goals. To understand even more regarding our internet site advancement solutions, you can contact us!

IT Consultancy

Need help developing strong finance procedures and processes? No problem, we cover everything from accounts payable, accounts receivable, sales audit, inventory control and master data governance. Your financial position will never be in doubt ever again.

If you’re a retail business, we’ll review and document your retail store operating procedures and stock counts. You’ll know exactly how the money is coming in and where your expenses are going. Visibility gives you control over your company’s movements.